Save Slots Shadow Of War

If you want to capture a fortress, you can spend silver coins for upgrades. They can make an assault easier and can strengthen an overall level of your forces. Upgrades are assigned to captains that participate in an assault and more upgrade slots are unlocked by reaching higher levels. Below, you can find a list of upgrades and my personal favorites:

Shadow Of War Review

Before you attack an enemy fortress, you can select upgrades that will make siege easier.

Hence, we are providing players the save game files of Middle-earth: Shadow of War with all of its quests. Just copy and paste any of the Quests’ save game file and start your game from that mission itself. The save game also contains all skills unlocked of the character mostly, level of 50-51, etc.

Slot 1 - available upgrades:

Sappers - an assault army is supported by suicide sappers that charge at a fortress' gates.

Mounted Cavalry - an assault army is supported by orcs riding on Caragors.

Olog-hai - an assault army is supported by Olog-hai that can destroy fortress' walls.

Which are the best - In my opinion, Olog-hai are the best choice. Sappers often made an entire assault bugged (attackers stopped near walls) and cavalry is rather weak. Olog-hai are resistant and you can feel their presence on a battlefield.

Shadow Of War Multiple Save Slots

Slot 2 - available upgrades:

Savage Host - savages join your army - they are assault units that wield axes.

Defender Host - defenders join your army - they are a heavy infantry that uses shields and can be helpful in capturing control points faster.

Hunter Host - hunters join your army - they throw spear and are extremally useful against beasts.

Which are the best - personally, I prefer defenders because they capture control points faster and are more resistant. However, hunters are also a good choice mainly because of their area attacks.

Slot 3 - available upgrades:

Fiery Siege Beasts - assault army is supported by siege beasts that shoot fire projectiles at fortress' walls and archers that stand on top of them.

Poisonous Siege Beasts - assault army is supported by siege beasts that shoot projectiles that create poisonous clouds - these clouds suffocate siege beasts and monsters on enemy's side.

Cursed Siege Beasts - assault army is supported by siege beasts that shoot dark and paralyzing projectiles at Warchiefs and their soldiers.

Which are the best - in my conquests, Cursed Siege Beasts were the best choice. Their ability to stun enemies was really useful. You can also get a beast that can work with your equipment - you may have a sword that, e.g. increases fire attacks of your allies by 40%. You can use that bonus and design your assault force to use only fire attacks!

Slot 4 - available upgrades:

Shelob's Brood - a brood of deadly spiders floods a fortress, poisoning its defenders and creating panic.

War Graug - assault army is supported by a War Graug - a giant beast that can cause tremendous damage.

Wild Drake - a Drake flies above a fortress and burns everything that is below him. Warning, Drake's fire can also burn allied units!

Which are the best - a draw between Graug and Drake. If you like to fly on a dragon and select abilities that extend Drake's life then you can choose this creature.

Slot 5 - available upgrades:

Fire Archers - archers can shoot your enemies with fire arrows.

Farsight Archers - archers can shoot enemies from a greater distance.

Mounted Archers - archers mount Caragors which increases their mobility.

Which are the best - I prefer Fire Archers because are very useful. They not only deal a lot of damage but they also can render enemies unable to do anything because of the ability to set them on fire.

Slot 6 - available upgrades:

Inspiring Banners - inspired orcs become bloodlust and attack your enemies with greater ferocity.

Shadow Of War Multiple Save Slots

Shadow of war save files

Overpower - orcs that storm an enemy fortress can capture control points faster.

Which are the best -both give you similar bonuses. Inspired orcs are stronger which helps in fights. Overpower allows you to rush control points faster which shortens a time of capturing a fortress. Inspiring Banners have a slight advantage here.